
See what some of our clients have to say about us…

Kindness and compassion has shone through everything Hawthorn Education has done.

You (Hawthorn Education as a whole) have been life changing. When you guys came along and first met CF – she wasn’t able to attend school or even to speak to anyone. From these tiny beginnings to where she is now (mum starts to cry) it is unbelievable.”

CF is currently working through her GCSE’s: English language, Mathematics Higher Tier, Combined Science (Trilogy – Biology, Chemistry & Physics) and Computer Science.

CF’s attitude is inspirational and she has a place at Blackpool 6th Form College.

My team and I would just like to say a massive thank you to your wonderful tutors who have been instrumental in the progress MM has made this year. They’ve become like family to us here at the CRU and we will miss them. So please pass on our heartfelt thanks and should any of them be passing anytime they are more than welcome to pop in for a cuppa, whether MM is here or not, we’d love to see them.

Just a message to let you know that Faiza is amazing. She has the patience of a saint. She is working with J who is on the spectrum and can be very challenging. She is firm and caring despite J’s efforts to de-rail her. She is a credit to Hawthorn.

To Lesley and all the team at Hawthorn

I would like to say a massive big thank you for not giving up on me. After everything you had D’s back and I will always be grateful.

To Everyone

Thanks from D


Thank you for everything you have done for our pupils. We’ve really enjoyed working with you all. Thank you for your patience with CM and TM, especially when they weren’t as keen to engage as we would have hoped!

Huge thanks to you and the tutors for your support with N over the last few weeks. It has been a pleasure working with you all.

I just want to personally thank you and your colleagues for the support you have given both young men, over the last six months; it is very much valued and appreciated.

Thank you Hawthorn from JP

Thank you so much for all that you have done for J, it really has made the world of difference to him and to us as a family

The P family

May I just add…I really appreciate everything you all have done for D, you’re the only people that never let him down so thank you!

Many thanks Lesley for all your hard work and effort with G. It is much appreciated.

We just wanted to say a massive thank you to you, Craig, Jim and the wider Hawthorn team, for all the help and support you’ve given to T over the last year or so.
We are incredibly grateful to the tutors who have not only filled the gaps in T’s education, but filled her with confidence and provided her with a faith in educators that she had never had in school. I can’t tell you how huge that is.
Certainly we can see their influence in the way she has approached her exams, flying through the last two weeks in a calm and confident manner – again huge steps for T!
We only wish we could pack Craig and Jim up and send them to college with her! But through their humour, warmth, knowledge and obvious enthusiasm for both their subjects and their students, we have faith that she is happily wanting to move onto college with confidence in herself and her abilities.
I know she is going to miss them.

MS has had some real successes with you, and you have been a stable point of contact for him throughout a very turbulent period of his life. You have made a real difference for MS and I am very grateful for the thorough provision you have in place. It is by far the best tutoring provision I have ever worked with.
It’s been a real journey with MS and the fact he has qualifications to show for it is amazing!

May I also say that it has been refreshing to finally meet a provision that has taken the time to understand the complexities of SW’s needs and be empathic of those needs.You are running a wonderful service and my only wish would be that we knew about the provision earlier and then we could of maybe been in a different position right now.

Thank you for everything Tim and not just what you have done for SW, but the support you have offered us as a family also.

I’m ecstatic and just thought I’d let you lovely lot be the first to know seen as if it wasn’t for all your staffs perseverance he wouldn’t have got this far.

MO is more than happy…he does enjoy learning but has always struggled with the school environment. I feel extremely fortunate that he’s been offered this opportunity (with Hawthorn Education.)

I have attached JE’s results from the Functional Skills Maths exam in January. I am delighted to confirm he has passed. Well done to you and your team for all your hard work…

The work that you do with our students has and continues to be first class and I would highly recommend you to any school.

Hawthorn Education’s teacher managed to capture KD’s attention and interest for over 3.5 hours. This is an absolute breakthrough and has not only helped KD’s self esteem grow but he has been happy, relaxed and interested in what he was doing.
Kudos to all involved.

I like speaking to the teachers and my confidence has improved since coming to the Hub. The staff are all really nice.

I also like having Craig at the library.

We have been very impressed with all the tutors who have visited the home and we are so impressed with at how well the engagement between them and OH has been. OH himself has said that the tutors are ‘pretty cool!’

I gave LA and CS both their results and it was the best feeling I’d had all day to see both their reactions to their results. They were brilliant and it’s all down to you lot.

‘L’ text me on Friday asking if I could get flowers and cards as you have stuck by him even when he had his bad days. I can’t thank you enough for how patient you have been with him as I know couldn’t have been easy, I’m so very proud of him because at one point he was ready for giving up, but with your help kept him positive, so I would again like to thank you. I’m sure he will keep in contact.

A massive thank you for all of your continued support, encouragement and guidance for FP. This is greatly appreciated.

We too are very proud of him he has shown so much maturity since his time with you . CS also speaks very highly and positively about his time with you all . I am sure he will miss you all Thank you for the support you have given him and for the excellent communication with me . A massive thanks to you all . Jane

The service you have provided to us and our students has been nothing short of superb and I would recommend you to any school if asked. The support we received, particularly around students sitting exams was a massive help to us

We have been very impressed with all the tutors who have visited the home and we are so happy at how well the engagement between them and OH has been. OH himself has said that the tutors are pretty cool. So you cant get better feedback than that!

I can’t thank you enough for the work you have done with D, your service is outstanding. We look forward to working with you in the future with D and any other young people that require your service.

Thank you for the support with AC’s education. Please pass on our thanks to the rest of your team that has worked with AC. He has gone from not being able to sound out words properly, to reading a book all by himself; and in such a short time. This is a huge deal for him as he has never picked up reading no matter what support has been available to him.

Thank you for taking such good care of E, I’m sure the patience and empathy you have demonstrated towards her will have such positive outcomes for her now, and in the future. If I am able to use Hawthorn within my new remit I will definitely be in touch.

Every teacher that has come to Amber House has been consistently enthusiastic and child focused. They have shown reliance when faced with challenging behaviour from the young person.

I have personally worked with Hawthorn Education Services with multiple young people, all with different complex needs. I can confidently say the service is excellent and would recommend to anyone. I could not be happier with Hawthorn Education Services.

Over the entirety of this year, Hawthorn education has provided our young people with outstanding support in their education, particularly through the challenges of Covid-19. Each tutor demonstrates respectful adherence to our everchanging visitors’ policy and individual needs have been a prominent value that we here at Whiteland’s have seen throughout. Thank you once again for the service you provide for our young people, offering them stability and a real shot at improving their educational attainment. This has helped them be able to take on much brighter prospects for their futures. An achievement in which not only enhances the engagement of our young people but for your service and tutors to allow their skills and knowledge, appreciation of each young person’s barriers to learning and help them thrive.

I have only positive things to say about you all.  Thank you.

What you do is so important.

The tutors work extremely hard in supporting our young person and I know at times when she doesn’t want to engage it must be very disheartening for everyone.

I want to thank you all for your continued support and working so well with us to ensure that she gets the best education possible, despite us all finding it a challenge at times.

I just wanted to let you know that Hawthorn Education were mentioned in court during the legal proceedings last week when your education provision was acknowledged by the Judge as having provided consistent and flexible support throughout our young person’s recent accommodation moves and disruption.

Hawthorn Education are providing an excellent service for our young people.  Their tutors are knowledgeable and understand the difficulties that can be presented when working with the young people in our care.  They work alongside staff in order to achieve excellent outcomes and to make sure our young people get the qualifications they need.

My son has done more with Simon in five months than in a whole year at school.


Hawthorn Education have done an outstanding job with this student.  Her teachers have worked extremely hard to secure the qualifications she needs to go on to college and to begin the next stage of her life.  I cannot thank them enough.

L’s Year 11 grades were much more favourable than what he was achieving in school. This is down to you and your staff’s persistence with L and all the hard work you have put in with him to keep him motivated. Thank you for all your efforts.

We couldn’t be happier with how you manage to engage our young person and how hard you work to challenge him educationally.

K is far from easy but your commitment and patience is brilliant. Considering where he was only a couple of months ago, it is amazing to see him engaging in education 5 days a week.

I thank my lucky stars that we found you. I could have not have hoped for better teachers for my son or indeed better support for our family.

You are all truly wonderful.

Thank you for everything, it has been a pleasure working with Hawthorn, the communication, weekly updates and relationship you have built with our young person has been exceptional.

I thought I would just take the time to email you and let you know how delighted we are with the personal education our young person is receiving from her tutors. Both teachers take time to tailor education to meet her needs and personality – which is amazing. This ensures that she participates well every day. Even on days where she has a little less motivation, both tutors encourage and support her to achieve her absolute best. This is amazing, especially not having received any education for over a year.

I do believe the support she receives from Hawthorn Education plays a massive role in her educational/personal development.

Thank you for working with our pupil she is like a different person since your intervention. It’s been an absolute pleasure having you in school, we are all very impressed with Hawthorn Education, you have been both professional and friendly – who could want more!

Thanks so much, you are an amazing teacher. I have been kicked out of so many schools but this is the first time I have had someone believe in me. I now believe in myself.


The education that my son received from Hawthorn Education whilst on high support was excellent.

Hawthorn Education provided a full service not only for C, but for the whole family. They supported him through his exams in a nurturing but professional manner. They enquired about relevant college courses and trained him in interview techniques which boosted his confidence.  C achieved his external exams and has now been accepted on a course of his choice for his post 16 options.

Where do we start?  Words don’t seem enough for all you have done for our son.  Besides his education, you have given T so much… confidence, trust, faith, hope, love and the belief that he can do anything he puts his mind to.  We had lost all hope of T being able to think about his GCSEs and now he has passed his English and maths!

You are truly an amazing lady, and we have been blessed to have you in our lives.  We will NEVER forget you.

When Tim and I first met we got along straight away. The first thing Tim wanted to do was to get to know me as a person which was great as it broke the ice between us. He was genuinely interested in me. Our first unit of work was about the human skeleton and Tim’s way of teaching it was amazing!

He taught me by using physical actions and this really helped me because personally, I am a physical learner. This has made me a more confident learner as I feel comfortable to try new learning ideas to help me. To maximise learning we took regular breaks.

This helped because it allowed me to process the information that we learned rather continuing and forgetting bits. For our breaks, we would go for a quick walk outside. This allowed me to get some fresh air and to recharge my batteries. Tim’s ways of teaching are great! He makes learning easy and enjoyable and as a learner, this makes me feel confident and at ease and also more productive.

Learning with Hawthorn Education compared to my old school has improved my progress tremendously. My confidence has grown and I feel inspired to learn with Tim. He has taken the time to get to know me as a person and I know that this is a big reason why I am making the progress I am.