Hawthorn Education Blog

Ho ho ho no5

Today with Emma LP made an origami snowflake with Christmas paper very successfully and a paper chain and star.

Following instructions

Today AT was given the option to complete a wooden model. Alex chose to create the Jeep car. This required him to interpret instructional diagrams . . .

Ho ho ho no4

KWis keen to continue developing fine motor skills which he feels will be necessary in his endeavours to become a mechanic. Firstly he made initial . . .

JJ’s planning Christmas

Obviously the key thing here apart from JJ’s very best handwriting is the fact that he’d like to treat us all to pigs in blankets. . . .

Jigsaw geography

Yesterday, after a bit of a wobble at the start of the lesson AS was able, with the help of Craig to complete this jigsaw . . .

Ho Ho Ho no3

Symmetry, division and polygons = super cool Christmas decorations for Craig and KW.

First book on library card

MH got his first library card this week at the grand old age of thirteen! Being a big DC fan his first book was obviously . . .

Ho Ho Ho no2

Today JJ made decorations for his family Christmas tree with Debra. His mum will be thrilled!

Ho Ho Ho no1 A festive robin

Over the course of the last couple of lessons KW has been developing hand eye coordination accuracy and control, drawing and cutting accuracy and an understanding . . .

Successful day for KW

Today KW worked well, he accepted and followed guidance and is developing a lovely sense of colour through experimentation. He showed self awareness took great . . .

Sir Robert Peel

There are many local landmarks and statues in Preston which paint a vivid portrait of the city and its history. One such monument is the . . .


This is KW’s first try at 3D rendering then handwriting with a fountain pen. He made good use of the techniques demonstrated, asked for feedback . . .

More of the Penwortham trail

There’s a surprising amount of history in Penwortham for MH to explore. Here we see the Fleece Inn which is a Grade II listed building. . . .

The importance of play

Play is an essential part of any child’s development as is a good solid grasp of educational basics. For instance, play helps with creativity and . . .

Life skills

In today’s Food Tech lesson with Jane, AS learnt To understand and adhere to H/S and Hygiene rules when working in the kitchen and preparing . . .

Preston’s dark past

In today’s local history lesson MH learnt about a dark day in the history of Preston, namely the time when, during the General Strike of . . .


Louise and CS made chorizo jambalaya this morning ath the Hub making the entire kitchen area smell lovely. CS followed all H&S rules and learnt . . .

KW 2-0 Jim

In a massive upset yesterday morning, year 11 KW beat supposed grandmaster Jim, not once but TWICE. Jim had some excuses but really he was . . .

The King’s throne

MH loves to venture into the community when time and weather allow. One of his favourite places is Hurst Grange Park where several dead trees . . .