During lockdown, many of our young people have found it sometimes difficult to focus on their education. In response to this, we have thought long and hard about how we might meaningfully engage them through a different approach to learning.  Project-based learning gives students the potential to work collaboratively using communication technology and also gives students a greater degree of control in their learning. 

This last half of the summer term is an ideal time to work collaboratively to create a body of work where we have all had input.  Our aim is to produce a ‘virtual tapestry’ of work with all Hawthorn students having contributed to the overarching topic.

Under the umbrella title “Earth Matters”, students and teachers alike are working to identify connections that can be made in cross-team projects and turning ideas into actionable objectives. We hope that it might also prove to be a breath of fresh air to both teachers and students alike, with the incentive of ‘choosing’ what to learn increasing motivation and involvement over the repetitive diet of maths and English.  

Take a look at the “Earth Matters” mind map on our Gallery page to see how we are getting along so far…